Auction 297
By Casa d'aste Boetto
Oct 25, 2022
Mura dello Zerbino , 10R - 16122 Genova, Italy
The auction has ended

LOT 0198:


NAM JUNE PAIK (1932-2006)
Cage with Buddha ...

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Sold for: €20,000
Start price:
Estimated price :
€17,000 - €25,000
Buyer's Premium: 24% More details

NAM JUNE PAIK (1932-2006)
Cage with Buddha 1989
olio scultura di Buddha e pianoforte in miniatura su tela emulsionata cm 83 5x180
titolato sul retro
autentica dell'artista su foto

Cage with Buddha 1989
oil Buddha sculpture and miniature piano on emulsified canvas 32 87x70 86 in
titled on the reverse
photo certificate by the artist