All the equipments sold in this private auction are stored at CAM, 252 rue de Rosny, 93100 Montreuil, FRANCE. This address is the place of collection of the goods.
Some devices are new, others are refurbished. All these devices are exhibited there 7 days before the date of sale, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on working days and by appointment (join us +41 21 321 8000, CAM company will directly invoice you for your purchase. The auction hammerprice corresponds to the aount you will have to pay (with or without VAT, depending on your status). There is no commission from the auction house . All devices sold in this auction have been tested by Seller CAM and work perfectly. An image proof is produced before collection of the goods and given to the Buyer at his request, before collection.
All the equipments presented in this private auction are stored at CAM, 252 rue de Rosny, 93100 Montreuil, FRANCE. This address is the place of collection of the goods.
LOT 33:
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Sold for: €20,000
Start price:
Estimated price :
€23,000 - €28,000
Buyer's Premium: 0%
More details
The Dräger Atlan anesthesia ventilator is a medical device used to administer anesthetic gases and control patient breathing during surgical procedures. It offers advanced features such as controlled, assisted and spontaneous ventilation, as well as monitoring of respiratory parameters. The Dräger Atlan is designed to ensure patient safety and comfort while providing user-friendly handling for healthcare professionals. Its ergonomic design and intuitive interfaces make it a popular choice in medical environments.
New anesthesia machine from the German company Drager:
• REF: 8621500
• Year of production: 2020-2021
• Ventilation modes available: VCV, PCV, PSV, SIMV, Manual, SIMV/PS, AutoFlow type
• Menu in Polish (can be changed to other languages)
• It is possible to retrofit the Drager Scio Four gas module to measure anesthetic gases
• Breathing rate adjustment range (1/min): 3 – 100
• Tidal volume adjustment range (ml): 5 – 1500
• Battery operating time range (min): 45 – 120
• It offers a wide range of functions that increase the safety of the anesthesia process, both for patients and medical staff.
• Security features use RFID technology to prevent incorrect connection of breathing tubes